Brainstorming about 'One Nation One Election' with School chairman Mr Goradia, for classes 10 and 11
Our School Chairman, Mr Prafull Goradia, interacted with the students of classes X and XI on the topic One Nation, One Election, on 23 May 2023 in the School auditorium. Sir shared his views and explained the election scheme. It was an apt occasion to discuss the significance, requirement, pros, and cons of the much-debated topic.
The session started with a question-and-answer round where students were encouraged to ask questions related to the topic. A plethora of pertinent questions came up including how to encourage a better turnout rate or reduce the expense, its implementation, disadvantages, and advantages. Chairman Sir then talked about the history of One Nation One Election idea and gave a detailed insight into the governance of political figures, like our former Prime Minister, Ms Indira Gandhi.
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Sir spoke about his time as member of parliament and the intricate relationship between politics and the media. He highlighted the need for restructuring the Indian election system for improved governance. Furthermore, sir suggested a pragmatic approach to conducting One Nation One Election in a way that elections for all the states and the union territories take place simultaneously. He spoke about Lok Sabha elections then, being organized after 2.5 years of the state elections.
He motivated and guided the students to come up with their opinions in favour of or against the idea. Some students agreed strongly with this line of thought and some disagreed with the motion at hand with other novel ideas. Students asked various questions about the campaigning period, voter choices, voter turnout rate and, the way to identify the work done by various candidates and parties in the given limited time.
Overall, it was an invigorating and thought-provoking session. The day provided an opportunity to learn through interacting, exploring, and suggesting new ideas about Indias election system. The enlightening talk session surely educated the students about the Indian political system at large. We look forward to attending more sessions of this nature in the near future.