CBSE English teacher training programme
A training programme for the English teachers of class 10 was conducted by CBSE on 24th and 25th January 2017. An intensive two-day training aimed at grooming was conducted by resource persons, Ms. Arti Anil Lawand (Principal, DPS Ballabgarh) and Ms. Rajni Jaimini. 30 schools sent their teachers for this programme. Ms. Mithu Ghosh and Ms. Suhina Roshangar attended from our School. The programme began with a short film titled KOMAL, which spoke of child social abuse. The movie in English, sought to educate people on the numerous sensitive issues like the sexual abuse of children etc. Ms. Lawand began the session with an activity where each group of teachers was asked to write a story using 10 words that were given to them. The story was required to end with a moral learning. It was amusing to see how each group came up with a distinctive story despite, incorporating the same set of words![gallery link="file" columns="2"]
The speaker spoke of the importance of listening among students and the various ways in which this skill can be inculcated amongst children. The other three skills namely reading, writing and speaking were also dealt with in detail. The objectives of each skill and their importance in the teaching of the language were explained. The next day the training moved to the techniques of tackling teaching of fiction in class X, the setting of question papers and the planning of the marking scheme. A beautiful short film based on The Diary of Anne Frank was also shown. Activities and discussions based on the two books of fiction in the class X curriculum concluded the session. It was a useful training session and reinforced several aspects taught to us during our B.Ed programme. The training aimed at seeking out the same objectives but in a novel manner. For now, with the advancement in technology and the numerous new resources that teachers have access to, they must quickly embrace new ways to accomplish the desired ends effectively. Ms. Suhina Roshangar.