CBSE teacher workshop on board exam reforms
The CBSE is planning on introducing examination reforms in Class X commencing 2020, in a phased manner, over the next 5 years. To assist CBSE in its initiative, the NPSC schools held a conclave at Springdales School, Pusa Road, on Friday, 11 January 2019 to discuss the question paper design
The session commenced at 9 am and was attended by Ms. Suman Aswal (Science), Ms. Vandana Sharma (Social Science) and Ms. Pooja Mehndiratta (Mathematics) of The Indian School.
Dr. Shweta Singh and Ms. Ameeta Mulla Wattal, Principal Springdales School, Pusa Road, both with a vast experience of working with teachers for enhancing teaching competencies, were the facilitators for the event.
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Ms. Wattal extended a warm welcome to the participant audience of almost 200 teachers from across Delhi-NCR. Mr. Joseph Immanuel, Director CBSE Academics, addressed the gathering and after a quick recap of Blooms Taxonomy, the teachers were briefed about the agenda.
The participant teachers were divided into groups comprising of ten to twelve teachers (subject-wise) and were given three sets of question papers.
1. Sample question paper of the current year
2. Last years board papers
3. A five-year-old board question paper
The assembly was tasked to analyse the papers thoroughly and prepare a report. The teachers rigorously discussed and deliberated upon the question papers. They scrutinized and focused on the following points:
Find out if the same questions were periodically repeated in the board papers.
Suitability of length of the papers.
Difficulty level.
Typology of questions.
After an in-depth analysis, the teachers noted down their suggestions about the changes needed in the internal as well as external examinations, in order to make student assessment more efficient and accurate. Later each group presented a report of their findings. It emerged that the given question papers deviated from the blueprint of the question papers shared by CBSE.
Some of the suggestions put forth by the skilled and qualified educators were:
Chapter wise weightage should be given by the CBSE instead of unit wise weightage.
Internal assessment should be more flexible in terms of tools of assessment.
More challenging questions should be included.
The reports of all groups were collected and submitted to the facilitators for further action.