
Citizenship Programme Commemorates Gandhi Jayanti

On 1st October, 2015, senior students of our School armed with brooms stepped outside the gates of School to clean up the area in the vicinity. In an hour they had managed to sweep a major part of the area, after which they moved inside to continue the work in the School compound. Some children had prepared posters on cleanliness and went around School and put up these in key areas like the canteens, on the classroom notice boards and near the washrooms. This campaign tipped over to the next day when the children proceeded to take the campaign to Defence Colony Market as mentioned in the report below. Report on the Cleanliness Campaign in Defence Colony Market in 2nd October 2015 at 11 am. To commemorate Gandhi Jayanti, students of The Citizenship Programme of our School decided to create awareness on Cleanliness in the Defence Colony Market, which has been adopted by us.

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25 students, Dr. Anu Singh and Ms. Sangeeta Aswani reached the market at 11 am to flag off the campaign. The students went around the market reiterating to shop keepers, Gandhijis belief that Cleanliness is Godliness. With permission, they also put up attractive posters in Hindi and English encouraging the public to use dustbins and motivating the shopkeepers to tell their patrons not to litter the market. Some of the children joined the New Delhi Rising campaign and helped paint parts of the market. Other children went to the park at the end of the market and cleaned up all the litter strewn around. They were armed with brooms and wearing masks and gloves. The children from School were soon joined by Snigdha , a reporter from NDTV, and she decided to interview the children on their initiative. Shubham Airi of Class 11 gave an insight into our programme and Pratishtha Kohli talked about our Nukkad Natak on Cleanliness. Very soon, we were also interviewed by Zeba of CNN-IBN. She gave the children the title of CLEAN INDIA WARRIORS! The link to the coverage is as under:- http://www.ibnlive.com/videos/india/clean-india-warriors-clean-up-delhi-on-first-anniversary-of-swachh-bharat-abhiyan-1131139.html

Ms. Sangeeta Aswani, Citizenship Coordinator.