Citizenship Programme does Spotfix in the Andrews' Ganj Subway
On 5th August 2017, the students of class X-D- Arukshita, Madhur, Anadi and Anshika went on a spot-fix assignment to the Andrews' Ganj Subway with Ms. Sandhya Batheja and Ms. Sangeeta Aswani.
The deplorable condition of the subway, before we cleaned it, was a distressing sight. Posters and advertisements crowded the walls. Scraping the posters off the walls somewhat improved its appearance. The poor plaster on the walls gives passersby the impression that the space is a spot for garbage! Only by ensuring the maintenance of public property by our government and us citizens, will it be possible to change the so called backward mindset of common people.
It was an[gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="2"]
enriching experience. We realised how hard our domestic helpers at home and School, garbage collectors and sweepers work on a daily basis.
Several passers-by, overwhelmed to see us working selflessly stopped to appreciate and even thank us. Some even lent a hand.
As a student, I realised the immense importance of cleanliness and I urge each and every student to take part in this value- based activity organised by THE CITIZENSHIP PROGRAMME.
Anshika Sharma, X-D.