
Citizenship Programme initiative: fitness orientation for older people

Old age is inevitable. But it can lived to the fullest if one stays fit. Physical fitness in older people is critically important for the prevention of diseases, the maintenance of independence and an improved quality of life. Keeping this in mind, a fitness regimen for the elderly was designed by the students of The Indian School.

On 28 January 2023, three teachers and six students, equipped with their laptops, visited the neighbouring park to showcase videos on personal fitness to fitness enthusiasts in the park. The drive, a part of the Citizenship Programme of The Indian School, attracted the attention of a huge audience. Peppy steps of a folk dance were merged with some routine exercises to make exercising joyful. Curious onlookers soon turned into enthusiastic participants, as they matched steps with our students.

Six students of class IX, Ashmin Malhotra, Priyanshi Aggarwal, Shambhavi Singh, N.Raunak Singh, Navya and Krish Mehrotra, reached out to the residents of the neighbouring colony and did a live demo of how to make exercising fun!

The drive was welcomed by one and all. It was a delight to see everyone, especially the elderly, participating in the drive whole heartedly! The students certainly felt motivated to take up more such endeavours in the future.