
Citizenship Programme workshop, classes 9-11.

On 16 May, 2015 we had the opportunity to be introduced to an interesting initiative being conducted in Bengaluru and now Delhi, taking inspiration from the Swachch Bharat Abhiyan.

Ms. S. Aswani, coordinator, Citizenship Programme first introduced the workshop in the School auditorium by showing us a presentation THE UGLY INDIAN made by an anonymous group of citizens of Bengaluru that works to beautify/clean the city voluntarily rather than sitting back and blaming the government or its agencies! The group reclaims public spaces that are vandalised by graffiti etc and resolve problems of garbage on the road, clean subways/underpasses to make them ththey usable and also plant trees. The group does not belong to any political party or religion and does not receive funding from anyone. The volunteers contribute Rs 50-100 at regular intervals towards the buying of cleaning material, gloves, masks and paint.

New Delhi Rising is local branch of The Ugly Indian and is operated by one Mr. Nakul and a group of volunteers. Last Sunday, Ms. Aswani and Saksham Goyal ( Citizenship Vice-Captain) visited the Andrews Ganj underpass to see the work being done and get a feel, as it were, of the project. We then invited Nakul to orient our students about this movement. Nakul and his counterpart Abhishek first showed a PPT on the before/after work done by them and a short movie on what is involved in undertaking to do spotfix. They work on Sunday mornings around 7.30 am at a pre-decided spot for 2-3 hours. We asked students to volunteer their names if interested in being a part of a spotfix during the holidays. It is possible to coordinate a team of 8-10 students every time by rotation. We thanked Nakul for making the time to talk to our students and hope that we can sensitise and motivate our students to take a greater initiative to do something similar for our beloved city.