
Class 1A meets peers in Japan

The students of class 1A of The Indian School participated in a game of Mystery Skype with their peers, the students of the Shiga Prefectural Maibara Senior High School, Maibara in Shiga, Japan, on 20 January 2022.

The fruitful session was the collaborative effort of Ms Rhytham Massey, class teacher of IA and her Japanese counterpart, Ms Mio Horio, recipient of the prestigious Global Teacher Prize.

The Indianites and their Japanese peers engaged in a friendly exchange of questions to identify their respective countries. Sara wanted to know if the virtual guests were from Asia? Aparajita placed their country on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, while, Debadrita thought they were from South Korea. After several relevant questions, Savitri guessed the country right, Japan!

Similarly, the Japanese childen inquired if our group was from Asia? They further asked questions like, 'Are you near the Arabian Sea? Do you have a tricolour flag?' Answers to these questions were in a monosyllabic yes or no! Finally, the Japanese guessed the correct country-India.

This friendly ice-breaker saw the two sides relax and communicate in an atmosphere of camaraderie. Harlyn was curious to know if it is snowing in Japan. Much to everyone's delight and surprise, it was indeed snowing at that very time! Ms Mio turned the camera to the window to show the Indian students the snowcovered landscape!

The conversation steered to food and eating habits. The Japanese were keen to know if Indians liked curry and rice at all their meals. Huzaifa replied that Indians enjoy a mixed cuisine that includes wheat bread and rice, amongst several others. In return, Sara wanted to know the favourite food of the Japanese. She was told that Sushi was the most popular!

Both sides were eager to learn more about one another, but due to time constraints, the reluctant learners bid adieu with a promise to meet again.

Ms Mio applauded and appreciated the Indianites for their fluent English language and communication skills!