
Class 2C interacts with peers in Zambia on Skype

The students of class II- C of The Indian School were elated to Skype with students of the Mufulira Primary School in Mufulira, Zambia on 7 August 2019. The lively group of students assembled in the School computer lab for the interface. The session was facilitated by the teachers of the two groups - Ms Priya Sharma, primary teacher at our School and Mr Misheck Mutuzana, MIE Expert and education technologist, Mufulira.

The two schools engaged in a cultural exchange by familiarising each other about their countries. India with its ancient and medieval history, monuments and rich cultural heritage is an enchanting tourist destination explained our side. They eagerly shared with their Zambian counterparts, treasures from the vast collection of monuments in our country. They presented flash cards, prepared for some of the best known monuments like the Taj Mahal, Red Fort, Victoria Memorial, etc. They spoke about who built these, in which period and their significance.

Mr Misheck Mutuzana exuded a warm and friendly demeanour as he encouraged the students to ask more questions like the list of places visited by the students; the popular tourist destinations, etc.

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The students from this landlocked country in south-central Africa shed light on the tourist places in their country and its flora and fauna. Comparisons were drawn between the weather and the seasons of the two countries.

The half an hour session proved to be an enjoyable session as students explored new places and made friends from across the equator!

The Zambian educator was impressed by our students levels of confidence and command over English.

Skype in the classroom provides a whole new dimension to learning as students engage in meaningful, real-world exchanges with their peers in less familiar places of the world.

As a teacher, it was exciting and rewarding to see how interested and engaged the students were to learn about diverse places.

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