
Class 3E Skype classroom with a Vietnamese Teacher

A Skype classroom was organised for Class 3 E with Ms Hoang Thi Thu Hien, English teacher at the Thanh Liem High School, H Nam in Vietnam at 11.45 hrs IST on 21 August, 2019.

The session commenced with the students exchanging greetings with Ms Hoang. After introductions, the excited assemblage shared particulars of their age, their School and the country. The lively gathering informed the Vietnamese educator that India is a land of festivals and that a single session is not adequate to cover all of them! Instead, they would be delighted to talk about a few ofthe major festivals celebrated in various parts of the country.

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The presentation on each festival was accompanied by a graphic visual to breathe life into their unique celebration. A sketch on Diwali by Ankit was lucidly described by Aditya and Ayansh. They talked about how this festival of lights is celebrated by decorating homes with candles, earthen lamps, and lights, the bursting of crackers and exchanging gifts with friends and family. Ms Hoang enquired about the nature of gifts exchanged. To which the students joyously responded All kinds, especially sweets!

Yashita spoke on Rakshabandhan - the popular Hindu festival when sisters tie an amulet or talisman on the wrists of their brothers. The brothers, on their part, give their sisters a gift and promise to protect them whenever the need arises.

Shaswata related the significance of the Durga Puja and how it is celebrated for four days with much pomp and show. He added that it is more popular in the eastern states of India, especially West Bengal and is celebrated as a community.

Satleen shared the finer nuances of the Bhangra dance and how it is performed during Baisakhi -a major festival of the Sikh and Punjabi community, to celebrate the onset of the harvest season. Ms Hoang was curious about the costume worn by the Bhangra dancers and she was told that it is the traditional dress of Punjab.

Harjas showed a picture to Ms Hoang to identify, who delighted her Indian audience by identifying it correctly as the Kerala boat race! Harjas acknowledged that it was indeed the famous boat race held during Onam - the most popular festival of Kerala. Ms Hoang wanted to know more about this fascinating festival. It was told that it is celebrated in memory of King Mahabali, a very popular King of ancient Kerala, whose spirit is believed to visit his people during this time. The celebrations are marked by several events which include boat races, floral arrangements, dances, and community feasts with friends and family.

Next, Yug and Rishik talked of Dussehra and the staging of the Ramlila during the nine-day festivities across the country. The festival culminates in the victory of good over evil with the burning ofRavans effigy. Tanmay shed light on the Navratri revelries which witness vibrant dandiya dance nights.

Gauransh elucidated on the magnificence of Lord Ganesha and grandeur of Ganesh Chaturthi. Although celebrated throughout the country it is more popular in Maharashtra and Gujarat.

It was now the turn of the young Indianites to learn about the major festivals celebrated in Vietnam such as the New Year (Tet Nguyen Dan). However, time constraint saw the session end with promises of a future date to know more about the people and culture of Vietnam.

The novel experience excited and delighted the students. They look forward to similar experiences in the near future to complement their classroom learning. Such exchanges not only boost their confidence levels but also enhance their understanding of peoples and cultures from around the world.