
Class 8 excursion to the School eco park.

On 25 January 2017, 50 of us students from classesVIII A and VIII B accompanied by three teachers visited the School Eco Park near Sohna. Our excitement knew no bounds on learning that we were about to set foot in the 'countryside' one that is not very far off from School! The bus journey was filled with singing and chatter. We were in awe of what we observed through the bus windows. The rushing lush green fields, punctuated with houses wide apart occasional village folk biding time under the shade trees. It was such an unusual picture for us urban kids! At the venue, the fresh surrounding was a refreshing change. It seemed as if beds of neatly laid tender vegetables still stuck on their stems, gladly waited for us. We were delighted to see rows of vegetables of all kinds. Brinjal, cauliflower, cabbage, carrot, beetroot, radish, sweet potato, mint and coriander, you name it and it was there! [gallery link="file"] We were walked around and shown how winter vegetables are sown and picked. We marvelled at the sight of the rich offerings and even got a chance to pick some to carry home. Thereafter, we were guided around the life-sized interactive science models, specially developed to give a hands'-on experience of the several basic principles of science. There were the musical tubes, parabolic dishes, a DNA model, reflecting mirrors, the double-ended cone and a crystal structure. We observed the large compost pit where earthworms work through piles of leaves and farm waste generated everyday, to produce organic manure for the vegetable beds. We spent more than an hour on the farm, receiving a hands'-on about sowing, manuring, irrigating, protecting from pests and harvesting. We returned to School with our pickings, happy in the anticipation of the delight our efforts would bring our mothers! We undoubtedly enjoyed our lesson of edutainment- education in entertainment. Ms. Gandharvi Mukherjee.