
Class 9 interacts with a DRDO scientist

Class IX engaged in an online interaction with senior scientist at DRDO, Mr D.N. Verma, on the topic of digital image processing and database management. The session was held on 18 August, 2022 from 10.15 am to 11.15 am in the School auditorium.

Mr Verma held his young virtual audience captive as he elaborated on various aspects of the topics such as image databases, satellites, navigation, etc. This session was of particular interest for Astrophiles and those who would like to explore the area for the future. Topics ranging from analogue image processing to the use of a satellite footprint, engaged and entertained the students.

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In his PowerPoint Presentation, Mr Verma shared detailed explanatory slides with images. He explained that a digital image represents a two dimensional image as the final set of digital values called picture elements or pixels. He elaborated that satellites use different kinds of sensors to collect electromagnetic radiation from Earth.

In his session, Mr Verma took the participants through a basic explanation of what a digital image is, to its processing, in steps. He included various topics such as image processing, frequencies, RGB colour formation, how Images are received and processed by satellites, databases, image databases, etc.

The students expressed their appreciation to Mr D.N. Verma for unravelling the complexities of scientific concepts in such a short time. They conveyed their eagerness to participate in similar sessions in the future, as well.