
Class assembly on Animals and their Young Ones by Pre-school Hercule

In order to refresh and create new awareness amongst the youngest batch of Indianites and to generate an affection for animals, Hercule presented a class assembly on 19th November14, on Animals and their Young Ones. The children shared some rare facts about animals, for example, ' Lions live in groups called the Pride' , ' Kangaroos cannot walk backwards' , ' Horses can run miles without a break', etc. All the children came well-prepared to speak out the lines prepared on the animal of their choice. The Children sported brightly-coloured self-designed head gear with carrying an image of their animals. A skit was also staged to reinforce the values of the assembly wherein two hunters, Shantanu and Hridaan, came to hunt elephants for their tusks. They were promptly taken into custody by the the police ( Parth Jain and Pari) and fined for their offence! The play ended with a moral, namely how we must love and conserve wildlife.

[gallery] The assembly ended with creative slogans suggested by the children themselves. " Shoot animals with the camera and not with the gun!" by Mrigakshi and " Animals are friends not food! " by Shenika. These were simple and easily understood by all. The pre-school children who were the audience at the assembly enjoyed singing along rhymes with the Hercule children like An Elephant, Hello Mr. Bunny Rabbit etc.

It was a fun morning fortified with facts. As told by Ms. Bharti Bedi.