
Class IC meets peers in Malaysia on Skype

On 9 December 2021, class 1C at The Indian School interacted with its peers at the SK Datowan Kemara School in Changlun, Malaysia, over Google Meet. The session aimed to familiarise Indianites with Malaysian traditions and culture. Ms Bhanu Batra, class teacher facilitated the session.

It was a Mystery Skype session wherein the children were not told the country from where they were going to meet their peers. After greetings and breaking thr ice, the two groups asked questions to each other to identify their respective countries. For example, 'Does the name of your country start with the letter S?' and 'We are a country whose national game is hockey.' After a few questions along similar lines, the students on both sides triumphantly identified the countries!

The students im Malaysia attended the online meet from their classroom, much to the fascination of the Indian students. The Malaysian students showed the Indianites their classroom and also the measures adopted by their school to ensure their safety. The excitement and happiness to be back at school was evident on the iridescent faces.

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Akshay Panwar of class 1C asked about the weather in Malaysia as the school kids in the virtual interaction were in their summer school uniform. Next, Aadya and Prisha Walia presented PPTs on the national symbols of India like the national animal- tiger, national currency- Indian Rupee, etcetera.

The young scholars of IC also showcased various activities conducted at the School to reduce the pollution- Reuse old newspapers to make paper bags, pen stands, etcetera. Arihaan Gupta demonstrated making a newspaper bag from an old newspaper. The young Malaysian students quite excited to learn this activity.

Ms Rossalwa, the Malaysian educator, showed the Indianites specimens of Malaysian currency and shared facts about Malaysia. She also asked questions like who is the prime minister of India? The Indianites answered correctly and confidently.

Last but not least, Vismaya Sreekanth exhibited some deft Indian dance moves to his virtual audience. His performance received much applause and appreciation.

The virtual session concluded with Ms Rosasalwa thanking the Indianites for their scintillating performances.

It was a remarkably engaging and exhilarating session.