
Class VII excursion to the School eco park

Classes VII C, D, E and select students of VII B went to spend a morning at the School eco park near Sohna on 15th February 2017. We set off on our adventurous on a bus. The view of the ample vegetation and farms on the way was very heartwarming. As we arrived at the park, we alighted in spright. There were rows of vegetable beds sprawled before us, laden with winter vegetables ranging from radish, spinach, beetroot, carrots, turnips and sweet potato. It was an image of abundance. We were guided through the park and were prompted to try a hand at picking the ready produce. Of course we could not resist and we undertook our attempt right away under the guidance of the park mails who stood at hand. The best part was that we could take home the fresh self-picked vegetables! [gallery link="file"] The farms had many endearing farm animals and birds like the rooster, geese and rabbits. We spent time watching them and even playing with them. We also enjoyed playing games in the open field and the time just flew. Soon it was time to bid goodbye to the wonderful place. As we boarded the bus we continued with our chatter but there was something more this time. This time our produce was peering from its packages, seemingly pleading to participate?! Arin Idhant and Soumi Lahiri, VII C.