
Dignity & Equality: Webinar on Human Rights for class 5B

On 10 December 2021, the students of class 5B of The Indian School interacted virtually with Dr Uche Linda Okpala, an educator based in Nigeria. The interactive session, organised to mark International Human Rights Day, was facilitated by class teacher, Ms Martina Roy.

With a decade-long experience in education, Dr Uche has dedicated her life to promoting SDGs and activity-oriented education. She is the founder of 21st Digiskillz, an initiative to foster the United Nations agenda 2030 that includes SGD4 for Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education.

The webinar with the Nigerian educator began with a warm welcome by Ms Martina Roy, who greeted her counterpart in Nigerian way! Ms Roy introduced the theme for the webinar, namely, dignity and equality, by highlighting the importance of human rights and how every individual and every organ of society must strive to teach how to promote and uphold these rights and freedoms. The students learned how respect for human rights is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. Ms Roy summarised the essence of the opening sentence of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The ever-enthusiastic Indianites of 5B showcased a video prepared by them for the occasion on Human Rights. Dr Uche was highly impressed and congratulated the students on the excellent video presentation.

She began her session by introducing the concept of Human Rights and how these rights are universal for all human beings in every country. She also shed light on the Human Rights Day theme for the year - Equality- reducing inequalities and advancing human rights. She underlined the importance of these rights for every individual and how all students must keep themselves informed about human rights.

Dr Uche furthermore counselled students to believe in the principle of equality. She added how the acceptance of peers regardless of caste, colour, creed, class, community, race or gender is the basic premise of the principle of equality.

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Focussing on dignity and equality, Dr Uche emphasised the meaning of dignity and its practice in this day and age among all students. Human rights are the defining rights of every society, she asserted. With the help of an imaginative power point presentation, she educated the young Indianites on several aspects of human rights and taught them to accept others as they are. What followed was an interactive Q&A round, where the students asked probing questions related to the theme of the webinar.

In the end, the students displayed posters on Human Rights. The interactive webinar was a great learning experience for all students as it was highly instructive and enriching.

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