
Dr. Amidas Goradia Intra-School Junior Badminton Tournament

A sound mind resides in a sound body. With the continuous aim of promoting the well being of our students, the fourth edition of the Dr. Amidas Goradia Memorial Junior Badminton Tournament was held in the School skating rink from 21 to 24 January 2020.

Principal, Ms Tania Joshi, inaugurated the event. She encouraged the participants and expressed her delight at the enthusiasm exhibited. She said that ability was what one is capable of doing whereas motivation always determines what one does. According to her it is a persons attitude that determines how well a job is done. She reminded the students to always maintain a positive attitude, both on and off the field. She added that it did not matter whether one tasted failure or success in any game because participation in sport always pays rich dividends in terms of fitness, well being and happiness.

Students of class IX comprised the Junior Badminton team. For the first time the tournament was organized for the students of classes VI-VIII. 157 students actively participated. Besides the finer points of the game, the players imbibed the qualities of team work and leadership. The experience also taught them to handle defeat. The participants took part in 5 categories namely: Boys Singles, Girls Singles, Boys Doubles, Girls Doubles and Mixed Doubles.

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The first position in the Girls Singles was bagged by Vedaanshi Jain (VII A) after she defeated Maryam Rahman (VII E) in the Final. In the Boys Singles group Man than Bobal(VI B) won the Finals against Kartikeya Shrotriya (VII E). In the Girls Doubles category, Vedaanshi Jain and Yashmita Kumari (VII A) were declared winners against Ishita Sonker and Pranshi Pareek (VIII D). Parth Tara and Anay Kumar Soni (VIII D) won the Finals in the Boys Doubles against Tusshar Narang and Ronak Singh (VII B). Last but not the least, in the Mixed Doubles,the team comprising Krunal Patel (VII B) and Vedaanshi Jain (VII A) won the final match against Harshil Jain (VII E) and Yashmita Kumari (VII A).

The event was thoroughly enjoyed by all the participants, abundantly infusing a spirit of sportsmanship in them.