

On Monday, 19th October 2015, five students along with Ms. Sangita Verma visited Amity International, Saket to participate in the ECOMFORUM. The competition consisted of different categories, namely, Symposium, Biz-Quiz and Fintoons ( Financial Cartoons).

Eshani Saxena spoke on the topic Europes Migrant Crisis A Watershed or Waterloo for the EU". She was ably assisted in her power point presentation by Anupama Gupta. Eshani also ably interjected the other speakers. Himanshi Saini created a cartoon on the Economics of Modi while Ankush Khurana and Anushka Anand participated in the Quiz.

It was a mega event where 25 different schools of Delhi participated and hence a very good opportunity to showcase our skills.

The other interesting topics of the Symposium were

1. The Great Indian E-Commerce Lift Off: A Time to Cheer or Investors Beware? 2. Cracks in the Great Wall of China: A Winding Catastrophe or A Catastrophic Windfall for the World? 3. GST Gearing up for A United National Market: New Dawn or Sunset. 4. Fed Reserves Guessing Game leading World to A Growth Conundrum or another taper tantrum.