
Educational excursion to Qutub Minar, class 3

Trips to historical places help children complement what is taught in the classroom. Historical places are a treasure trove of information and offer abundant opportunities for children to discover many interesting and curious things. These visits are a great way to get the children started with the habit of exploring and discovering.

Students of class III went on an educational trip to the Qutub Minar on 15 December, 2017. The children were extremely excited about their excursion as they left from school, accompanied by their class teachers. Leaving their bags in the buses, they got into line to enter the complex, eager as they were to see the red sandstone and marble edifice.

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Before leaving for this UNESCO World Heritage Site, a powerpoint presentation was shown to the children to introduce them with to the monument and its history. The height of the minar, the material used to build it, when it was built, who built it, etc were some of the details shared with the children. The teachers were happy to see the children relating the pictures they had seen in the PPT to the spectacle before them.

The children were divided in groups of five and each group carried a pencil and a sheet of paper where they wrote down the information inscribed on the stones. Numerous inscriptions on the minar in Arabic and Nagari characters revealed the history of Qutub Minar.

We could see the team camaraderie amongst the children as the groups helped each other and shared the information they had gathered. A long walk inside the minar seemed a beautiful journey. The children not only saw the 72.5 m tall monument but were also guided to observe the beautiful architecture, the Quwwat-Ul-Islam Mosque, Ala-i - Darwaza, Alai Minar and the lush layout.

On our return to school, the children drew pictures of the monument and wrote a few lines about the experience. The class teachers also conducted a quiz in class where the children actively took part, promptly answering all the questions!

Ms. Radhika Prabhakar.