
Ek Kadam Swachha Ki Ore ( A Citizenship initiative)

On the exhilarating morning of 1st October, 2014 , the students of senior school actively took a new stride by cleaning the outskirts of school, as their bit to make India a clean country.

The Prime Minister has made an enthusiastic and passionate appeal for mass involvement in a Swachh Bharat Mission to realise Mahatma Gandhis dream of cleanliness. The Mahatmas visualisation of cleanliness was three-pronged a clean mind, a clean body and clean surroundings. Holding that Cleanliness is next to Godliness, he emphatically wrote, We can no more gain Gods blessing with an unclean body than with an unclean mind. A clean body cannot reside in an unclean city.

Our Chairman, Mr. Prafull Goradia joyously initiated the swacchhata mission by lending a hand to the cleaning of the School area. We realise that if each and every Indian initiates this effort, the day won't be far when India will be among the cleanest countries of the world!

It was a privilege for all of us. Mother Earth is our home and it is our responsibility to keep Her clean. After all, if not now, then when? If not we, then who?

The teachers as well as the students inhaled a breath of relief and satisfaction when every thing was spic and span.

MCD officers inspected our work and lauded our initiative. This step of ours' was an effort beyond picking up a broom and cleaning our School area. It was a stepping stone to a cleaner India.

The happy faces of teachers as well as the students confirmed the pride and content for the work we performed. We all hailed 'Swachh School- Swachh Bharat!

-Ojasvi Jain.