
English Rhymes Presentation in Pre school

Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive, and widely effective mode of saying things.

Rhymes and songs are fantastic tools to sharpen the learning skills of children. These help children experience the rhythm of language and enhance their voice modulation, expressions, confidence, and actions. Rhymes engage kids, an essential component to keeping them happy and cheerful.

The Indian School organised a 3-day inter-class nursery rhymes recitation presentation from 27 - 29 July, 2022 for the budding poets of the Pre primary wing. The event aimed to introduce them to the rhythmical creation of words and phrases and learn varied skills to aid their overall development.

The nascent scholars recited a few lines each, using appropriate props to enhance their performance! The confidence demonstrated by each child during the articulation was commendable. One could feel the palpable excitement as the young kids presented an array of engaging rhymes after confidently introducing themselves and their nursery rhymes.

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Poetry is known to bring enjoyment; beauty is the realm of poetry, and the children were captivated by the beauty of expressions, thoughts, feelings, rhyme, rhythm and music of words.

The young enthusiasts joyfully recited Wash the Apple, with flashcards and handcrafted apples; Five Little Ducks, holding up the Mumma Duck toy and its five little ducklings. They used stick puppets of rain and thunder to recite I Hear Thunder and wore finger puppets of rabbits to make the class swing to the tune of Rabbit Rabbit 123 with mesmerising actions.

It was the children's first ever performance in front of an audience, and they expressed themselves with confidence and zeal without assistance from their teachers.

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