
Environment Week in Primary, 10th to 14th July, 2017

Every year 5th June is observed as World Environment Day. The idea to dedicate a day to Mother Earth took birth in 1973, nearly half a century ago!

The Earth is the only home we have and we may well call it Spaceship Earth. To save our only living space in this universe, all the nations of the world have signed an agreement at Paris to reduce greenhouse gases, conserve the earths resources by eco-friendly living and consumption and protecting forests. Eco-friendly alternative energy resources are also to be explored and used under the Paris Pact.

Class IV A presented a skit at a special assembly which sought to orient the primary school audience on making the environment litter-free. Students brainstormed on the various ways to make their homes, classrooms, work places, roads and parks litter-free. These activities, as above by different classes were then showcased to convey a powerful message that we urgently need to save our environment from degradation.

A video was also shown to students during assembly on how fast our countrys rivers are dying. For the last few decades, Himalayan glaciers are retracting and there is less water downstream for the millions who live along the banks of these rivers. Drought is increasingly a feature of the lives of millions of people.

Classes 4 and had a guest speaker, Mr. Rakesh Khatri who spoke on Environment Awareness. A PPT on environment awareness was shown to the students in an interactive session. A few questions based on the subject were also posed by the speaker and several students volunteered answers. Kavya Gera of V-A and Pranay S Sethi of IV-C received environment badges from the guest speaker for the best answers. The Speaker also used games designed for the purpose to increase awareness of eco-friendly living.

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The entire week became a thought-provoking exercise on how to make our beloved 'Spaceship Earth' the best possible home for all living things.

Environment Week activities

The various activities conducted by the different classes Primary during Environment Week are as under: - Class I * Cleaning of the pigeon holes in the classrooms * Poem 'Bits of Paper' * Dustbins were crafted from thermacol * Story with a moral Peppa Pig * Talk on the importance of cleanliness.

Class II * Song Saving Earth * Movie on Environment followed by discussion with the children * Special Assembly on conserving water and paper. * Craft- Making a paper folder using old newspaper and then decorating it. * Introduction/ Discussion on the 3 Rs- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Class III

* Teachers discussed the kinds of pollution and how it degrades the environment. * Students assembled a collage of different pictures relating to pollution and ways to arrest it. * Cartoon movie How to protect our environment. * Song on planting trees.

Class IV Healing the Earth

* Group Activity- Students were divided into groups and wrote suggestions for measures to Heal the Earth

Personalised litter box

Students crafted a personalised litter box, using a small box of not more than 10 cms, to dispose their pencil shavings.

* Song on Recycling

* Special assembly by Class IV on the topic 'Litter Free'.

Class V * Pebble Painting * Making book marks * Preparing a collage on medicinal herbs. * Reusing objects like bottles, broken bangles, old newspapers etc. to create a useful new product * Enactment on Protection of our Environment * Talk by Mr. Rakesh Khatri on Environment Awareness.

Ms. Pratima Roy.