
Excursion to Gandhi Smriti for Independence Day, class 6

Our School organised a trip to Gandhi Smriti at Tees January Marg in Central Delhi, on 12th August, 2014 for the students of class VI on the occasion of Independence Day

About 200 children along with their class teachers boarded the buses at 9:15 a.m. at School and we set off for the memorial. A well-informed guided tour awaited us at the venue. It covered all aspects of the memorial, from the Kirti Mandap ( prayer hall) to Gandhiji's room, his last steps up to the place where he was shot, the museum, the Unity Tree etc.


The children were also shown movie- clippings from Gandhiji's life and his assassination. Expectedly, the children were filled with great curiosity about the Mahatma and his struggle for his motherland. They repeatedly asked their teachers about him and the times he lived in.

We returned school filled with a sense of patriotism and a renewed consciousness of our identity as Indians above everything else. Inspired by our special Independence Day excursion.

Ms. Nidhi Bindra.