
Fathers Day celebration in Pre primary

Fathers Day is one of those rare days when the father enjoys applause and the mother takes a backseat! When it comes to offering

appreciation for parenting its most often the mother who is lauded! But it is delightful to observe the active participation of our young fathers and we decided to fete them thus!

This year we planned Father's Day with a difference. 20th May, 2017 arrived and all our dear pre primary children waited anxiously for their fathers to step through the gates of School. The pre-primary children and their teachers had been preparing for the celebration for the past few weeks.

All our fathers were welcomed by the teachers with a small gift. It was a token of our love for our dear daddies and a thank you for their support and encouragement. The gift was a special tie, handcrafted in class!

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Ms. Joshi, Principal, spoke about the role that fathers play in a childs upbringing. She pointed out how much the children idolise their fathers and therefore the latter must be particularly cautious about the delicate bond.

The children then presented a special programme which included a song in Hindi followed by one in English and a dance to express their affection for their super dads.

The fun games were a treat for the fathers, who had to exercise their minds to catch the clues! In another game the fathers enthusiastically rose to ' Guess the song'

It was delightful to watch the fathers, being prompted by their previous little ones to raise their hands for answers! The students whose fathers won prizes were delirious!

Last but not the least, a touching bit was when our little stars served refreshments to their fathers, albeit helped along by their teachers. The fathers were amazed to see the children accomplish the act to perfection.

It was a beautiful morning made of smiles. and tears of joy and pride. We are extremely proud of our children.

Ms. Puja Madan.