
Flash mob on Gender Sensitisation at the Select Citywalk Mall.

Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance. In an attempt to influence the mindset of people on gender issues , the students of our School took the initiative to spread awareness with a' flash mob' at the Select Citywalk Mall on 25th April, 2015.

It was an artistic expression of the serious scenario of gender inequalities. The dance is designed in a way that it travels the journey of the woman from the time she is born where she is victim of the stigma attached to the birth of a girl child and thereafter he discrimination by various members of society. Finally the woman of today fights all odds to carve a niche for herself.

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The students carried eye-catching posters with messages for slogans Gender Equality is not a womans issue, its a human issue, it affects us all!, Time to change, Empowering women is just not the right thing to do-its a smart thing to do Barack Obama. All the students looked determined to make common people around them aware of these pressing concerns.

The dance got a deafening applause from all spectators present at the mall. This was one such initiative, there are many more to come. The only goal is to create a second thought in the minds of people before they attempt to differentiate or discriminate between a boy and a girl.

We need not just a new generation of leadership but a new gender of leadership

By Aayushi Sharma, Class XI.