
Ganit Week in Primary.

Mathematics has always played an important role in building up modern civilization. Srinivasa Ramanujan, a genius mathematician, made an extraordinary contribution to the field of Mathematics. Commemorating his birth anniversary, as per CBSE guidelines, Ganit Week was celebrated from 16 to 22 December, 2014 at our School. Numerous activities aimed at building logical and analytical skills were organised at the primary level.

The week saw the students of classes IV and V engaged in devising board and card games using various mathematical concepts. Learning thereby became more spontaneous constructive and fun-filled. The games designed by the students not only strengthened their conceptual knowledge but also revealed their creative instincts and aided them in solving application-based problems with ease! Playing the games with their friends and teachers did wonders as it acted as a big morale-booster and confidence-enhancer. The games kept all students and teachers actively engaged and interested.

Students of class III used shape cut-outs to make innovative geometrical patterns, thus assimilating the concept of tessellations. A story-writing activity like, The story of Multi and Addi and other stories involving mathematical concepts, scripted by the students themselves encouraged them to understand the concepts and helped them with their application too.


Number Hunt at classes I and II levels transformed the classrooms into activity zones with each child using Tambola tickets to figure out the numbers from his / her ticket according to the instructions on Place Value, Addition and Subtraction given by their teachers!

Ganit week culminated with an Inter House Mathematics Quiz organized for classes IV and V. The participants and the audience were exposed to a variety of questions based on logical reasoning and mathematical puzzles under different rounds, namely Just figure out, Puzzle Mania, Use your thinking caps, Angle Tangle and Fastest finger first. The enthusiasm and excitement of the participants, audience and teachers was indeed infectious and quite overwhelming. Each one present could be seen trying to get to the answer first. For once the teachers did not have all the answers! The quiz proved to be the icing on the cake!

Ganit Week or Growing Aptitude in Numerical Innovations and Training points to the learning process of today. Learning by doing is the modern mantra which distinctly leaves an impact on the students and encourages teachers to quickly develop logical thinking among their students.

By Ms. Minoo Sethi.