
Honour at computer festival -ORDIN@TRIX 19

A team of students from classes V to XII of The Indian School participated in Ordin@trix19 an annual computer festival organised by Tagore International School, Vasant Vihar on 6 August 2019. The event saw the participation of almost 35 schools from Delhi/NCR.

The six computer enthusiasts- Divij Bhargava, Harshvardhan Sharma, Ibrahim Rizwan Ahmed,Kartik Anand, Nivriti Naswa, and Uday Beswal were accompanied by their teacher, Ms Simranjeet Kaur.

At the event, mixed groups of students from different schools were asked to create a project which offered solutions for day to day problems using Arduino, Sensors, Programming, CAD design & 3D printing. Uday Beswal and two other students from DPS International, Saket and DPS,Sushant Lok, designed and developed a project to help disabled people communicate using a smart glove which converted hand gestures into Morse code and finally transmit the data to a smart phone in the form of text and sound. His group was awarded the third prize in recognition of their innovation, ideation and team-work.

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Snap@trix called upon the participants to depict a storyline using photographs. They had to click and edit photographs on the spot. The Indianite team created a story line on Life Cycle of the Flower on the theme, macro photography. In Anim@trix, the participants created a short film using scratch 2.0 on the topic given to them on the spot within the given time limit. The young movie makers of our School made an impressive short film on Two Friends and a Lion.

In the debating event, Confer@trix, the speakers were given topics for debate. The debate was conducted in three stages- the first two rounds were conventional rounds while the finale was based on group discussion. Kartik Anand of our School spoke with conviction on the subject of how social media compromises free and fair elections.

Overall, it was an educative and enriching experience. The students gained much information about the latest advances in technology and their implementation.