
Honours at English Language Meet at Junior Modern School

Raghubir Singh Junior Modern School organised its Fifteenth English Language Meet on 11th October, 2017.

It was a well-attended annual event with 21 premier schools of Delhi vying to win. The Meet aimed to promote the linguistic and creative potential of primary students through various competitions.

The students participated in three distinctive events held simultaneously at three venues in the school. The competitions were Dialogue In Verse, Point-Counter Point and The Wordsworth Language Quiz.

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The participants of Dialogue in Verse were Sakshi Rao, Ridhima Dube, Mrigasya Mitra of class III. They recited the poem " THE TUMMY BEAST"by Roald Dahl. The participants of Point -Counter Point, a debating event, were Viraaj Gaba (moderator), Niyati Khurana and Aditya Khandpal of class V and Kamreen Zehra and Taarika Cheema of class IV (debators). They spoke on the topic Technology comes in the way of learning.

The participants of the 'Language Quiz were Aryamann Goswami of class V and Ankur Chatterjee of class IV. The team qualified for the finals. The children participated in Point- Counter Point and won accolades for their School when they were declared First runners up!

One of the judges made a special mention of the team that participated in the Point- Counter Point event, stating that they were aggressive young debaters and put forth strong arguments!

It was a proud moment for the students and teachers of The Indian School. The day ended on a high, instilling new confidence and pride in our children. Ms. Radhika.