
Honours at the National Science Centre

Competition plays an important role in motivating students to perform and excel. The exposure and experience offer a reward far greater than winning the prize itself. On this occasion too, participants got an opportunity to showcase skills, analyse and evaluate outcomes, uncover personal aptitude, innovate and develop their own ideas and skills! Our School in particular encourages a regular participation of its students in an array of challenging events to hone their craft towards a holistic personality. The invite from the National Science Centre to participate in their Swachhata Pakhwada, an interschool competition held on 27 September 2018, was one such platform. The central theme was, 'Swachh Bharat, Nirog Bharat' or Clean India, Healthy India'. A team of 9 students from classes VI to VIII of our School participated in three diverse competitions along with a large number of students from several eminent schools from across Delhi-NCR.

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The events were adjudged by Mr. Nimish Kapoor, scientist and currently with Vigyan Prasar and Mr. Dinesh Malik, education officer at NSC. Peehu of class VI and Maitreyi and Deeposri of class VIII displayed colourful brush strokes in the painting competition. Mannsi of class VII and Bhavneet of class VIII impressed the audience and judges alike in the Hindi and English elocution, respectively. Gayatri of class VIII and Trisha of class VII recited their poems in the Hindi and English poetry recitation. Last, but not the least, the pairing of Dheevam and Kavya of class VI delivered a powerful performance with their presentation of an English poem on cleanliness. Much to our delight, Gayatri and Mannsi secured 2nd and 3rd positions in their respective events. Mannsi Agrawal, VII E