
Honours at The Quest 2018- inter school competition

The Air Force School, Subroto Park held "The Quest 2018" an inter school competition themed "Winds of Change". The two-day fest of scientific inquiry, knowledge, rights and expression was held on 10 and 11 May 2018 and attracted participants from about 25 schools from all over the Delhi and NCR region.

The festival provided a forum for debating, scientific experimentation, creative expression, artistic strokes, computer programming and mathematical conceptualisation. The team from our School participated in several of the events listed below.

Winds of Change-Debating provided the young speakers with a platform to explore the role of state politics, judiciary, religion, economy, education and development, on behalf of various sections of society that specifically challenged the culture of silence on various issues.

Aryan Singh of class X D did the School proud by lifting the Best Interjector trophy.

Voice Your Opinion - Hindi Poetry writing and consumer rights ( Hasya Haat & poster making) on the topic - Jeevan ke Rang Hasya Rang ke Sang saw the artistry of humour in a poem and its nuanced recitation. The popular choice of topics ranged from politics, corruption and the education system.

The creative writing section featured budding poets who interacted and wrote in an atmosphere of introspection amidst a flurry of ideas generated in a setting where many like minded young people met and talked to each other.

Other noteworthy competitions were:

Endless Innovation - Science model making and Creatia: Best out of waste on non-biodegradable waste management. Innovative models such as making flood barriers using plastic bottles, bathroom slippers using polythene bags and lamp shades of used plastic glasses, showcased awareness regarding managing the waste created every day.

The flagship event of this fest was Expect the Unexpected -computer science programming and symposium that invited students from all programming backgrounds to show off their skills against the best.

Tech Symposium showcased different aspects of cyber safety and cyber bullying. The participants investigated and made a presentation on the topics given.

The Colloquium and Math Symposium explored the stock market magic, using time tested mathematical tools predicting delivering pathways of the stock market by combining mathematics with an astute business sense.

It was an endeavour to take mathematics out of its usual classroom domain into the world of stocks. The event attempted to change the outlook of students and broaden the scope of the subject.

Participation and exposure to such varied events is essential in a students life. With each new experience of learning they gain a wealth of knowledge and a strong desire to excel.

We welcome more of such opportunities to hone our skills!