
Honours at workshop on Classical Physics

A brainstorming workshop on Classical Physics was organised by BVN-IAPT ANVESHIKA at Birla Vidya Niketan on 30 September 2019. It sought to enlighten students of the science stream about some very common yet tricky topics in Physics students often go wrong.

Students of various schools of Delhi NCR attended the workshop. Our Harshit Verma and Tejkirat Singh Sukhija of XI-B along with their teacher, Ms. Archana Raichandani represented our School at the workshop.

The chief resource person was Mr Mukul Rathi, mechanical engineer engaged in the theories of Classical Physics. Mr Rathi commenced the session with an experiment. Infact he guided us demonstrate the famous Coin-Tumbler experiment. As we conducted the experiment, he pointed out that Kinetic friction and not Inertia was the answer to the phenomenon of the falling coin, which is why it didnt fall into the tumbler after every trial.

Next, the speaker took up another common feature that is observed- when people fall back or forward on a train when it starts or stops. There also, the answer to the phenomenon was Rotational Mechanics and not Inertia, otherwise we would end up falling in slices.

After a short break, the lecture resumed and the topic of discussion shifted to Collision. For the demonstration, Mr Rathi used 4 metallic balls of the same size and about 20-30 small-sized metallic balls. He demonstrated various types of collisions using these in combinations and then explained the scientific reason for it.

He discussed some other topics such as: Energy Dissipation, selection of System and Surrounding, Frame of Reference, Conversions etc.

Finally, a short quiz was conducted on the topics which were taught to us at the lecture. Our team scored the second highest points among the 20 schools present there. We were presented certificates of participation and we all headed back to our schools..enriched and enlightened.

Harshit Verma and Tejkirat Singh Sukhija, XI-B