
Importance of Math-Workshop by Dr. Hukum Singh.

To commemorate the birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan, CBSE declared December 16-December 22 as Math Week.

As a part of these celebrations, we were delighted to have with us at School, eminent mathematician, Professor Dr. Hukum Singh. This workshop was held on 17 December, 2014. in the school auditorium for classes IX-XI.

Dr. Singh spoke on the Importance of Math. He included elements of the history of Math. The talk was simple and explained with practical examples, emphasising the usefulness of Math and why it should not be feared as a phobia!


His citations had an element of humour which preserved the attention and interest of us all! He drew from everyday situations and environments to make the concept connect. In fact it clearly came home to us that Math is an inseparable element of our daily lives.

As the workshop proceeded, Dr. Singh explained to us the various identities and important formulae with the help of his mathematical kit. He also shared with us information about the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal. The workshop was very motivating and Dr. Hukum Singh, himself, was a great source of inspiration. We were indeed privileged to have him in our midst. with us. A vote of thanks was delivered by Ms. Neha Agrawal, head, Math Department.

By Mehar Kaur, XI-C.