
Independence Day celebrations in Pre Primary

The Pre Primary classes celebrated India's 75th Independence Day with a special assembly on 12th August 2022. The atmosphere was a charged one and the little ones looked happy and seemed to feel important that they were participating in celebrating a landmark occasion such as this.

As customary, thecelebrations commenced with a march wherein the children wore their house tee shirts and smartly marched to the drumbeat, making for a patriotic pageant. They looked excited to hold up the tricolour as they marched.

Next, Delisha of PP Merak welcomed everyone. Enaya of PP Orion spoke about the significance of the occasion incorporating a few lines of the timeless melody, Sare Jahan se Achha. Sarvagya of PP Vega urged everyone to remember the heroic struggle of our freedom fighters. Suhani of PP Merak and Anvi of PP Leo shared how this occasion is usually celebrated across our nation.

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The air was filled with the sound of melody as Raaisha of PP Leo sang, I salute my Flag. The patriotic mood of the occasion further enhanced as the children sang Nanna Munna Rahi.

All the sections of the Pre primary crafted colourful kites using different materials in the classroom.

The special assembly culminated with the singing of the national anthem.

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