
Inter School Chess Tournament

The Smt. Mohini Virendra Singh Inter-school Chess Tournament was held on 23rd and 24th January, 2016 at Modern School, Vasant Vihar. The tournament is an annual feature and an event that aspiring young chess players look forward to as it gives them a chance to test their skills with some of the most competent players of their age group.

The tournament, governed by the rules of the All India Chess Federation and FIDE ( The Federation Internationale des Echecs or World Chess Federation) has adopted the Swiss system, a non-elimination format.

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From The Indian School, Ansh Gupta and Aditya Sharma, class IX and Shirsh Kumar and Aryan Kakkar, class X participated in the IX to XII category. Our team performed brilliantly and took first position in this category! Aansh Gupta and Aditya Sharma also took special board prizes for their individual performances.

We applaud these students on their outstanding performance and wish them well as they persist with their favourite game