
Interaction with School chairman- abrogation of Article 370, for classes 11 and 12

A discussion inspires critical thinking, motivates students to articulate their ideas and provides a means of learning and exploring relevant academic and social concepts. The students of The Indian School regularly engage in dynamic interactions with the School Chairman, Mr Prafull Goradia, distinguished writer and former parliamentarian, on issues related to social and national interests.

On 30 August 2019, the students of classes XI and XII met with the cerebral Chairman to debate and discuss the 'Abrogation of Article 370 and the Kashmir Issue'. Mr Goradia highlighted the genesis of the problems underlining Article 370, which was introduced as a temporary provision in the Indian constitution and its far-reaching consequences, the most prominent being the tragic plight of the refugees in the Jammu region since partition (1947-48). These persons did not have any citizenship and voting rights and were made to do menial jobs.

Mr Goradia broadly classified Kashmiri people into four categories and discussed their reactions to the abrogation of Article 370. It is certain that the people of Jammu and Buddhist Ladakh would welcome this move as also the law abiders and the honest businessmen of the Kashmir region, since tourism is a lucrative source of income. This move is expected to bring stability in the market which is essential for growth and development. In Kashmir, people are emotionally dissatisfied but enjoy material benefits due to the various tax benefits, etc. Sir referred to the dynastic political families in Kashmir as the 'teen khandan' who would definitely be unhappy with the abrogation since they were the ones who benefited the most from it.

Mr Goradia commented on the Pakistan prime minister's criticism of the move and his attempts at seeking support from other Islamic countries who have trade relations with India. Students were intrigued to learn about the concept of 'Dar al - Islam' and 'Dar al - Harb' that is the 'land of Peace ' and 'land of Conflict', respectively. The erudite speaker explained how the Islamic law is binding on the Muslims to live in an Islamic country and if they cannot do so then either turn it into one or migrate to a Muslim state. Sir elucidated on these concepts by citing the example of Aligarh although not supposed to be a part of Pakistan, still, the students of Aligarh Muslim University canvassed for Pakistan in conformity with their religion.

Thereafter, the discussion focused on the division of Punjab during the partition and the idea of new Medina - model state of Islam in the sub-continent.

A comprehensive powerpoint presentation on the Indus Water Treaty with Pakistan, familiarised the young audience with the historical and geographical importance of the Indus river and the Kashmir valley, The various maps included in the presentation helped students understand the significance of the river and the sharing of its waters.

The session concluded with Mr Goradia responding sagaciously to the insightful questioning by the students that were all at once engaging and enlightening. Sir, also explained why a sudden end to this Article was needed and how it has helped India avoid a tense situation and violence in the valley.