
Interactive workshop for Science teachers

On 6th February 2016, three teachers Ms. Archana Raichandani, Ms. P. Yogeshwari, and Mr. Pallab Roy from the Physics department had an opportunity to attend an interactive workshop for science teachers at the National Science Centre, Pragati Maidan. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Samar K. Bagchi, Ex-Director, Birla industrial and Technological Museum, Kolkata. Mr. Bagchi is known to have conducted more than 250 Hands-on Workshops for science teachers across India.

The workshop was useful for teachers who wish to use creative teaching strategies or to make science more meaningful and fun within the classroom. We were shown how to use hands'-on experiments to convey scientific concepts. An interesting one demonstrated to us was the Hot Air Expansion Mr. Bagchi ignited the uppermost part of a cylindrical tea bag. A few seconds later, ash suddenly rose from the bottom. It was a simple yet effective way to demonstrate that hot air rises.

Another experiment shown was for Inertia. He put a coin on a stiff card covering an empty glass tumbler. When the card was flicked with a finger the coin placed over it fell in the tumbler. This was caused by 'inertia which states that an object tends to remain in its position of rest/motion. Similarly we were also shown how to convey Newtons 2rd Law of Motion ( Conservation of linear momentum). The Archimedes Principle as also Centrifugal, Centripetal force were other examples vividly described.

Ms. P. Yogeshwari.