
Investiture Ceremony-2015

Leadership is lifting a persons vision to high sights, the raising of a persons performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations. Peter Drucker

The Investiture Ceremony was held in the Foundation Hall at School on 1 May, 2015. Commendable young leaders from both Senior and Junior School were formally invested with powers and responsibilities that come with being office-bearers. It was a solemn occasion which witnessed exemplary students being decorated with authority and accountability with places on the prestigious Student Council. Swarna Barnwal and Pulkit Goyal competently compered at the ceremony.

The School orchestra offered accompaniment to the choir which soulfully rendered the Ganesha Vandana as commencement. An enchanting stream of musical consciousness soaked the atmosphere as parents and students alike, absorbed the magical fusion of human voice and musical instruments. Serene and sublime, the orchestra was a majestic triumph as it blended in velvety voices of the singers, to create a haunting melody. Next, Chinmaya Iyer sang a traditional folk song from Gujarat which received a resounding applause and appreciation from the audience. This was followed by Shivali Anand and Chinmaya Iyer again, bringing alive the Colonial Cousins fusion number 'Krishna nee Beghane. Principal, Ms. Joshi called the occasion a proud moment for all concerned. She claimed with pride that, opposed to the popular adage that leaders are born not made, we at The Indian School create leaders. She congratulated the new Council members and asked them to discharge their duties and responsibilities with utmost sincerity and dedication. Chief Guest, Ms. Madhavi Divan, Supreme Court Lawyer and member of the School governing board, is the inspiration behind the vibrant 'Citizenship Programme.' Ms. Divan spoke about the inherent qualities a successful leader must have. She elucidated how important it is to not give up in the face of disappointment and how it is in trying times that the true character of a person is radiant.

Sharing her own experiences as a parent, Ms. Diwan emphasised upon the need to exercise restraint in the face of disappointment, to handle the occasion with dignity, never losing faith in our beliefs. Speaking famous lines from Wordsworths classic poem, 'The Daffodils, she encouraged the children to treasure their time at School, for in the years to come they will look back fondly at these cherished memories.

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" For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils. The members of the outgoing council marched in unison to the vigorous drumbeat and relinquished charge by returning their flags. Their faces beaming with pride and joy, the new torch-bearers smartly marched up on the stage with their heads held high. Ms. Madhavi Diwan, Ms. Brinda Shroff, Ms. Tania Joshi, Mr. Lal Raisinghani, Ms. Neena Maini, Dr. Anu Singh, Ms. Navreet Shergill, Ms. Susan Thomas, Ms. Sangeeta Aswani, Ms. Shalini Sehgal and Ms.Sangeeta Banerjee honoured the new council members with sashes and badges as the proud parents captured the proud moment for posterity. School Head Boy Raunaq Bhalla, Sports Captains Nikhil Vinayak and Anushka Raheja and the House Captains Arshdeep Singh, Shlok Tyagi, Ishaan Batra and Tanya Duggal, carried the School flag, Sports flagand House flags respectively. Thereafter, Head Girl Pranati Haldia administered the oath as the new council members pledged to adhere to the values of honesty, perseverance, sincerity, team work and service before self and lead their fellow students on the path of accountability so that they may keep the flag of The Indian School always flying high. The ceremony concluded with the School song. Thereafter, the parents proceeded to the front lawns for refreshments.

Senior Council :

Junior Council:

By Pranati Haldia, XII-C.