
Lecture- demo on Popular Science at the National Science Centre, class 9.

The students of class XI attended a Popular Science lecture by Dr. R. K. Kotnala, Chief Scientist, National Physical Laboratory (NPL) at the National Science Centre on 20th January 2017. Dr. Kotnala is also Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences and IGU, Outstanding Academician - APAM ( Asia Pacific Academy of Materials), Associate Editor, J. Applied Physics (American Institute of Physics) U.S.A. and a good science communicator with a lot of experience in the research of innovative projects.

The event was a part of the inauguration of the 'Third National Innovation Festival', an initiative of the centre itself to foster passion and aptitude for science, technology and to provide a novel platform to creative innovators.

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At first, we were addressed by the President of the centre, who discussed the initiative taken by the body to promote scientific creativity in the various branches of science, such as robotics and aeronautics. He then introduced us to the lecturer for the day, Dr. Kotnala, who was going to explain and demonstrate his very own invention 'The Hydroelectric Cell'.

Dr. Kotnala said that he had developed a hydroelectric cell in his laboratory that could generate electricity with just a few drops of water (a green energy source). He compared this with other prominent energy-saving devices such as solar panels and windmills and affirmed that the hydroelectric cell was the greenest and most cost efficient way to produce an electric current. He also said that international agencies had also notices the breakthrough.

Post the lecture, there was a short demonstration by Dr. Kotnala where he lighted three LEDs using his cell. The audience was taken aback as they observed the stage suddenly alight with bright red light. A hearty round of applause rang through the audience as we cheered Dr. Kotnalas efforts.

Shrey Gogia, IX-C.