
Mental Health Week in Senior School

Classes XI-XII observed Mental Health Week from 1st to 7th October, 2017. Through the week, workshops were conducted by the students of class XI, namely Muskaan Sancheti (XI-B), Navyaa Singh (XI-B), Reva Kalra(XI-D) and Priyansh Agarwal (XI-B), who formed a peer educator team. The objective of the workshops was to ingrain awareness amongst students about mental health which is still a stigma in our societies. Statistics say that 1 of every 4 people in India suffers from one or other mental disorder.

Students were asked to define mental health. and after some brain storming it was concluded that mental health has no particular definition! It is subjective and varies from person to person.

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The peer educator team counselled that there may be frustrating times when students throw up their hands and simply feel defeated by a challenging circumstance. But there are more reasons to face these, explained our young counsellors. They spoke of eating disorders like Anorexia Nervosa and Anorexia Bullemia, besides, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorders.

Topics such as these are rarely discussed openly, so the children were very enthusiastic about the opportunity. In such times where, social and education pressures are acute, the emotional and mental well-being of individuals has to be carefully preserved.

Rewa Kalra, XI-D.