
Miraki-An impulse for the creative- Inter school Physics workshop

On 12 April 2019 four students of our School accompanied by their Physics teacher Ms P. Yogeshwari attended a workshop titled Miraki- An impulse for the creative at Birla Vidya Niketan.

At the workshop, we were split into groups with students from other schools and were given four challenges to tackle. The first challenge was Pendulum painting, where each team was expected to prepare abstract paintings. The second challenge was to write a paragraph on the topic If there was no gravity. In the third challenge, we had to generate different types of motion using straws and in the fourth challenge, we needed to demonstrate how a sheet of paper could be made to land in straight fall and smoothly when dropped from a specified height.

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Every team displayed great creativity. These challenges were very interesting and enjoyable and also taught the values of teamwork and group coordination. We got know about each others skills and interests. In this modern age, children such as us can scarcely take our eyes off gadget- screens. This workshop reinforced

the need to interact and socialise.

We hope we attend more workshops like this in the future.

Manan Kakkar

Class 8B