
ModMUN 2014

On the 17th of October, 2014, 10 students of our School, namely Simran Khurana, Saransh Grover, Alisamar Hussain, Shubham Airi, Sahib Koli, Sriraag Av, Bhavika Sharma, Yash Sharma, Abdullah Malik and Pranati Haldia took part in one of the largest Model United Nation Conferences held in Asia- ModMUN 2014.

Anxiety and excitement filled the heart of each delegate, and in animated voices they quickly clarified their doubts about the rules and procedure from one another. Through the bus journey till the destination, we delegates. brainstormed about the caucuses we had to raise, and practiced the speeches we had prepared. After the opening ceremony, all participants dispersed to their respective venues. Bhavika Sharma and Yash Sharma were our representatives in the double- delegation t athe United Nations General Assembly. They represented Vietnam.

On the first day, the UNGA discussed and debated the ethics of human intervention while scrutinizing every aspect of the same. On the second and third days, the focus shifted to Eradication of Non Self-Governing Territories and our delegates made confident cases on the same.

Sriraag Av, on the other hand, represented Turkey in the Peace Building Commission which dealt with Measures to Control the Influence of Insurgencies on African Countries and Ensuring Peaceful Transitions to Democracy, along with Capacity Building and Reconstruction of Critical Institutions in Those Regions. Sriraag effectively managed to open the debate by defining what exactly insurgency is. All the nations in this noble committee came together to put forward solutions for the working paper.

Sahib Koli was in the United Nations Relief and Works' Agency of Palestinian refugees. Its agenda was Revisiting the Immediate Role of UNRWA in Emergency Situations with an Emphasis on Recent Hostilities in the Gaza Strip. Sahib represented Turkey, and effectively convinced other delegates to demarcate between Internally Displaced People (IDPs), Environmentally Displaced People (EDPs) and External Refugees.

Shubham Airi acted Changrababa Naidu at the All India Political Parties' Meeting and was one of the most controversial chief ministers present in the committee! He filed many memorandums and actively advocated for reforms in the present Hindu Code of India. The Executive Board of this committee startled them by introducing new controversial updates every now, which the delegate successfully managed to tackle!

The SVR committe was a package of suprising elements with surprises being thrown at us every now and then. Russias Counter IntelligenceOfficer, Saransh Grover managed to dodge all these curveballs, and effectively discharged his duties by smelling out moles hidden inside the secret agency itself! By raising caucuses like effective ways of threat-analysis, he managed to find the credibility of all the information being fed to the agency to lead Russia against its enemies and spies.

In the United Nation Human Resource Council, Simran Khurana represented Vietnam, while Alisamar Hussain represented Turkey. The 47 member committee discussed the application of CEDAW in Islamic States. Simran garnered support and became a block leader by expressing her radical views on how elimination of discrimination should take place for BOTH genders. She raised several successful caucuses, like Application of CEDAW in post conflict areas, and Importance of Strict Implementation of CEDAW, besides others. Alisamar, on the other hand, brainstormed on the topic and gave several speeches in the General Speakers List (GSL) regarding the same.

Meanwhile, Abdullah Malik and Pranati Haldia represented Vietnam as a double delegation at the United Nations Conference on Disarmament 1994-96. This historic committee aimed to agree upon a comprehensive and detailed Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) for successful nuclear disarmament. The delegation asserted Vietnams stance on the floor and successfully gained support by giving influential GSL speeches. The delegation raised some effective moderated caucuses, some of which were Health Hazards Posed by Nuclear Wars and Transparency in Storage of Armaments besides others.

The three days of discussion, debate and deliberation soon melted away, and left an enriching and effective impression on us all.

Filed by Pranati Haldia.