
Observing rain water harvesting at School- class 7C

To discuss the importance of water, a Jal Shakti Abhiyaan was undertaken by The Indian School on 15 July 2019. Students of class VII-C explored the School campus to observe how rain water harvesting is being done at their school. They were accompanied by their class teacher, Ms Kriti Chhabra who demonstrated how rain water gets collected and stored.

The amount of rainwater that can be collected depends on the roof area, size of tank and the rainfall. Students were encouraged to find out and monitor total rainwater collected. They also learned about what all is done for a continual maintenance of the system.

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Ms Chhabria explained the system to the students. She showed them the components of the rainwater harvesting setup- roof, PVC gutters, down pipes, first rain separator, leaf trap, filter, storage tank and overflow pipe. Students were taken on the field to observe these important components and to spread awareness about the same amongst their peers./

There was a detailed discussion on water quality checking and water quality treatment followed by a pledge taken by the students to conserve water in every little way they can.