
One Day Training Program for Principals by Expressions India.

A one day interactive training workshop for Heads of Schools was conducted at ITL Public School ,Dwarka on 1 November, 2014 by Expressions India. It was called 'The National Life Skills ,Values Education and School Wellness Programme'.

The training provided was on ,Mentoring New Staff and Motivating Experienced Staff.

Ms. Tania Joshi, Principal and Ms. Neena Maini, Head Teacher attended the day/long workshop.

Ms. Kalpana Kapoor, Ms. Usha Anand and Dr. Jitender Nagpal were the resource persons for this training program.

The program began with an activity aimed at introducing the participants and resource people to each other. Each participant was expected to state his/her expectations from the workshop. This was followed by another activity in which participants had to follow instructions. The clarifications sought by participants served to highlight the importance of clarity of instructions issued to staff members to achieve a goal. Following this, each participant spoke about his /her personal background, leading to a discussion on .The growing need and importance of mentoring new staff in the changing educational scenario". The presentation covered understanding the difference between mentoring and coaching and existing practices and challenges. Group discussions served to share experiences and anecdotes.

The emphasis was on developing an overall ethos at school which is supportive and encouraging ,non-judgmental and non-evaluative towards young staff . Schools that are learning organisations seek to create conditions that are conducive to nurturing and valuing people for who they are.

New teachers must have an opportunity to learn from best practices while mentors need to build trust, be open and accessible and willing to listen. They must build on strengths of new teachers and look at areas for development. The importance of documenting all school policies was reiterated. A clear documented HR policy of the school was recommended. A hands-on group activity of listing out areas to be covered in an induction program and its time-line was planned, discussed and presented by participants. A well documented and time-bound mentoring program was recommended by the organisers for all schools. Post-lunch the session veered towards an understanding of motivation and strategies of motivating experienced staff. Strategies to rejuvenate old staff, incentives, new challenges, flexibility, free time, awards, applause, recognition etc were areas of focus . The consideration of staff needs, training, delegation, responsibilities and role- upgradation and fair emolument were also discussed. The traditional perspective of leadership perceiving itself as the one to induce compliance versus an individual who provides direction for other people and carries them along in that direction with competence and productivity was the basis of discussions. Fair and documented policies and a sensitive approach towards staff, their training and a clear understanding of school ethos were some measures recommended to reduce attrition in schools. The programme was directed at Principals, Head Teachers and coordinators of schools to empower them to manage schools, creating a conducive and happy atmosphere that minimises the rate of attrition in staff and creates a culture of efficiency and growth of both the individuals and the organisation. The workshop served to strengthen beliefs and enthused us to think about creating a documented HR policy for our School. The importance of documenting all aspects of school management , planning training,creating a school culture , working and reviewing school practice with staff ,creating space and time for staff to reflect, think and destress were the essential takeaways from this session. The workshop concluded with an interesting activity wherein each group was given 4 similar musical instruments and asked to create a tune. Finally all groups were asked to play the tunes devised. The happy rhythm and symphony created through coordinated effort and enterprise, effectively demonstrated the way a well-managed school functions. The arrangements and hospitality of the host school were appreciated by all present. The end of a long action packed day was marked by the distribution of certificates of participation for each participant.

Filed by Ms. Neena Maini, Head Teacher.