
Orientation on subject choices for class 10

Thomas Mann rightly said, "Order and simplification are the first steps towards the mastery of a subject."

Our School organised the customary subject orientation for the students of class X on 21 January 2023 from 7:30 to 9 am in the auditorium. The parents were also invited for the programme. The aim of the programme was to enlighten the students about the various streams and subjects that are offered in class XI. It included career counselling by our heads of the various departments.

Principal, Ms Tania Joshi, reiterated the importance of students making decisions that are best for them, not those influenced by the goals of one's parents or peers. She implored the parents to let their children make the best thought over decisions rather than imposing their own aspirations. Subject experts talked about the different curricula, their relevance and the different disciplines.

Ms Aarushi Rawat explained the wide scope that History offers including a career in civil services, archaeology, archives, the liberal arts etc. The potential in Psychology was highlighted by Ms. Meghna in a presentation. Similarly, Ms. Prerna and Ms. Kusum Sharma explored several career opportunities in the fields of Fashion Studies and Fine Arts, respectively.

Vice Principal, Dr Anu Singh, gave a detailed description of the relevance and scope of the science stream. She discussed the different options for careers accessible in both the public and commercial sectors. In her address, Ms Payal Sharma elaborated on the various career paths open to students, who wish to combine Mathematics and Science. Ms Simranjeet Kaur and Ms Suman Aswal spoke on the applications of science in the domains of computers, medicine, engineering etc. Mr Ramesh Kumar explained the objectives of the commerce stream and also the options available in a power point presentation. The several career alternatives that are available in Economics were dealt with by Ms Sangeeta Verma.

It was thus an exhaustive session wherein students gained new perspectives about the streams that best match their competence and interest.