Origami activity in Pre Primary
We at The Indian School continuously integrate activities that stimulate holistic learning. Origami is one art form which helps this objective greatly.
The skill of Origami not only helps stimulate listening skills ( following instructions carefully), it greatly strengthens the fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination etc. Transforming a piece of paper into a three-dimensional object is a unique exercise. It sharpens the attention and concentration ability of the children and lends manual agility.
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Our little Indianites revealed both the artists and the engineers within them through this folding activity!
The children used their dexterity in creating novelties with origami sheets. The children of PP Leo crafted blooming tulips, the young readers of PP Gemini folded the sheets into imaginative bookmarks, the PP Vega children assembled magic caps and both PP Merak and Orion made boats. The latter was also used as an exercise to help them relate to 'na' in Hindi ( a boat being a
'nav' in Hindi.
The exercise was both entertaining and educative.
Ms. Kanika Gauba.