
Photography Workshop by Cannon for classes 9-12

Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second. -Marc Riboud

A workshop on photography was organised in the AV ROOM at School for students interested in the craft from classes IX-XII on 19 July, 2014. It was conducted by Canon a name long associated with the manufacturing of state- of- the- art cameras. It was an experience of a lifetime.

The session was very interactive, informative and fun-filled, conducted by Mr. Vikalp Sharma, an expert photographer from the company.

[gallery columns="2"] We were first taught the correct technique of holding a DSLR camera! This is critical, we were told, as the quality of the pictures clicked depend largely on the way the camera is held. We were provided Canon DSLR cameras by the Canon team and were asked to use them freely, without hesitation. We were taught about the different types of cameras and the various parts in a DSLR camera. We came to learn about the two most important functions in photography, namely, the aperture and the shutter speed. We learnt to control the light entering the lens of the camera using the aperture and the time taken to click a single photograph controlling the shutter speed. Another important aspect of photography that we learnt was how to arrive at a basic frame in the camera using grid lines and camera focus.

We were then told about the different kinds of photography like street photography, food photography, landscape photography and macro- photography. We were asked about our choice of photography as well! We were shown various examples of each d type of photography and the techniques to click photos in each of those.

The real action began after the theoretical part was over and we were asked to move outdoors to click photographs and put our freshly acquired knowledge to use.

What better a chance than to click a live football match! The School playground was abuzz with action with an inter-school football match taking place! It seemed all set to be captured in our cameras, as if it were! With much enthusiasm and the panache of professional lensmen, we clicked pictures of the ongoing match using the Sportsmode. It was a lot of fun. We captured all the action frame by frame. We also tried our hands at Macro-photography, clicking pictures of flowers in the School garden. Lo and behold, the most minute details of each flower came to life in our camera frames! We were overwhelmed.

It was soon time for us to move back to the AV Room as the session was coming to an end. Before the session ended we were handed certificates for our participation in the workshop.

It hand been an utterly enriching hands-on experience.

-Ritwik Arora X-A