
Pre school engages with peers at a school in Taiwan

You can't understand a city without having a sneak at its public transportation system.

The present times are laden with opportunities to travel the world even while being confined to classrooms! Technology has given us limitless options to explore the world at the click of a mouse.

Keeping this in mind, on 15 November 2022, the Pre schoolers of The Indian School along with their teachers engaged in a delightful Skype session with their counterparts at the Kaohsiung Municipal Kuanghua Elementary School in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. The young participants from Taiwan were accompanied by their teacher Ms Chang Amy at 8 am IST.

The session commenced with a brief introduction and a welcome song by our little Indianities for the guests across the screen. This friendly ice breaker created camaraderie on both sides.

Post this, our Indianite gems enthusiastically described some modes of transport through a PowerPoint presentation. Samarth spoke eloquently on how vans are a source of carpooling. Kabir and Krisha elucidated on railways in India and spoke about the bullet train. Kashvi shared about CNG buses while Vanya articulated how the metro in Delhi helps in curbing pollution. Ditya spoke about the importance of e-autos in India and how they have resulted in an increased use of public transport, thereby reducing pollution and the consumption of petrol or diesel. Dhanika elucidated with exuberance how these modes of transport are complementing our school theme, Reclaiming my Planet.

Followed by these presentations, the Taiwanese students shared about the modes of transport used by them to commute to school such as electric scooters commonly known as the Gogoro and line taxis/cycles known as the U bike. Chang, a Taiwanese student, explained that the U bike is the most frequently used transport in Taiwan because it helps to keep people healthy and at the same time helps bridling pollution.

As the session progressed, the two groups engaged in a friendly round of questions where Mehraaj of PS Kokab of the Indian School, asked about transport booking apps. The Taiwanese shared about the KMR and K bus app in their country. Subsequently, some interesting details about the sports carnival at their school were shared. They also shared how the school community is motivated to participate in great numbers by creating posters for such events.

The session concluded on an exciting note as our little ones practiced saying to-si (thank you in Taiwanese)!

This engaging and enriching virtual interaction helped the students stretch their horizons, build upon their confidence levels and learn about another countrys transport. It also introduced them to a new language at an early age.