
Pre school Parent Orientation

A parent is a teacher at home and a teacher is a parent in school

The Pre school orientation was held on Saturday 6th August 2022. An orientation is held every year at the beginning of the academic session to help familiarise parents with the ethos and philosophy of our School. This time due to the compulsions of the pandemic it was organised in August and in smaller groups.

The programme aimed to acquaint the new set of parents with several key aspects of the school. As partners in progress, its imperative that they are aware of the curriculum, rules and regulations, teaching methodologies and co scholastic activities. The orientation programme was held in the auditorium.

As customary each parent lit a diya to the soulful rendition of a specially composed song, 'Diya jalao' by our music teachers. The dozens of soft flames made for a moving spectacle and a truly auspicious ambience. This is a tradition at our School in the belief that when the tiny tots grow up and are ready to step into the outside the portals od their beloved School,.they will carry with them this light of knowledge and light up the world outside.

Principal, Ms Tania Joshi, welcomed the parents and spoke about the curriculum. She said that the focus in nursery is on the pre learning skills of the students. The children are not just taught to write alphabets, instead their fine motor skills are worked upon through various activities to strengthen their muscles and coordination. She spoke at length about the benefits of effective communication between parents and teachers.

A PowerPoint presentation described the activities done at a School through the year.. Literary Week, Self Discovery Week, celebrating various national/ international days, Environment Week, Annual Day, National level Debate and so many others.

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Ms Joshi also spoke about the achievements of School over the years, new initiatives taken by the School to make children confident and responsible citizens. She also described the delightful performances during Annual Day and Sports Day where each child is given an opportunity to performs and each one rises to the occasion spontaneously.

After an interactive session with the teachers over coffee and cookies, the parents participated in a Har Ghar Tiranga exercise where they crafted flags with enthusiasm. At the end of the session we had smiling parents and enthusiastic teachers all geared up for the months to come.

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