
Preprimary Orientation 2016-2017

An orientation at the beginning of each new session helps create the foundation for positive relationships between parents, teachers and School and sets the stage for a smooth transition. The Preprimary Orientation was hosted on 11th March in the School Foundation Hall. The aim was to welcome the pre-school parents and explain what School has to offer and what is expected of parents as members of The Indian School family.

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Principal Tania Joshi welcomed the parents and emphasised the importance of education and values from the beginning, for the overall development of the child. She also introduced the newly joined Head Teacher of Preprimary, Ms. Bavleen Kaur. This was followed by a power point presentation, in which parents were apprised of the rules and regulations at School. Ms. Sangeeta Aswani, Citizenship Programme coordinator spoke about integrating citizenship initiatives into the School curriculum, to provide a strong foundation for each childs development. Ms. Priya Kulkarni.