
Principals workshop on building a goal driven school environment.

A workshop- Environment of a School was conducted by Principal, Ms Tania Joshi, for the teachers of The Indian School and The Foundation School on 4 November 2019.

The workshop kick-started with an extensive brainstorming session where teachers were asked to share their thoughts on what they understand by the phrase climate of the school. By the time, the white board got filled up with ideas volunteered by the teachers , each had introspected and concluded that it was the teacher who contributed the most in making for the good environment of a school.

A few thoughts shared by the teachers of TIS and TFS were that the climate of the school should provide a calm, harmonious and threat-free environment for learning. Some suggested that a school environment should be one where challenges and criticism should be taken in a constructive way. Others said that a school environment should be one which motivates professionalism and self-discipline.

Ms Joshi placed stress on the importance of developing a learner friendly environment which was not only based on a child centric pedagogy but also focused on the trust that a student should have in the teacher. It was also discussed that infrastructure or physical comforts could also influence the climate of a school. She shared that materialistic rewards could act as a motivation but they can never be the driving force for achieving a common goal.

To conclude the first session, Ms Joshi zeroed down on teachers, students, parents and management as the stakeholders responsible for sustaining a conducive environment for teaching-learning outcomes.

The next session focussed on purpose driven action where Maam spoke extensively on the trilogy of purpose, context and action. The workshop proceeded with some activities for the teachers where they were asked to pen down any instance quoting its purpose, action and context. This was followed by sharing the teachers understanding of the vision and purpose of our schools (TIS and TFS).